Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Sarton Family Reunion - Update information

July is rapidly approaching, it is hard to imagine that the longest day of the year will be here on Friday and the Family reunion follows quickly on it's heals. Enclosed is some information that I thought you would like to have, especially the cost of the meals. I would urge you to get a check to Gwen as soon as possible.

First, attached you will find an up-to-date list of participants, as of today, July 20th.

Second, Most everyone is staying at the same hotel and there will be opportunity to visit and plan excursions there. But, Reunion Central will be at the home of Dan and Gwen, they will have shade in the back yard, items for sandwiches and other snacks as well as soft drinks, tea, coffee and ice water. Their address is:
Dan and Gwen Sarton
2239 S. Blackspur
Meridian, ID 83642

Third, there are three planned meals where everyone will be together. The first is on Tuesday evening @ Epi's Basque Restaurant, (Driving directions will be available at the hotel). The second is a BBQ picnic on Wednesday the 4th in the back yard of Dan and Gwen and the third is a Potato Bar on Thursday the 5th. The total cost of these meals is $35.00 per person. The break down is $22.00 for the Basque Restaurant, $8.00 for the picnic and $5.00 for the potato bar.

Please make out your check to Gwen Sarton and mail to the above address as she is taking care of receiving the funds and paying for the various food items.

Fourth, for those persons flying in and do not have auto transportation there will be several cars at the hotel and plenty of transportation available.

Fifth, for those arriving on Monday and leaving on Friday, you are invited to Dan and Gwen's, there will be sandwich items, plenty of drinks, etc.

Sixth, on Tuesday evening as we close our time together there will be a short memorial service conducted for Carl. We would like for you to bring a memory that you would like to share at that time.

If you have any questions you can contact me by return e-mail or 719-447-1257 (Office) 719-266-9481 (Home).

I hope you have a safe journey and we look forward to seeing you in Boise.


List of Attendees

Don and Bev Sarton
Dan and Gwen Sarton
Walt Sarton
Terry and Melissa Williamson
Thad and Tina Sarton
Anna Lambert
Dennis Jean and Ann Sarton
Carla Ann Cheney
Dotty Lambert
Di Lupton
Kathleen Yeager
Cindy Dillon and Brad, Plus Brad’s daughter Miranda
Danny Dillon
Dee and Terry Bower
Craig and Sheri Sarton
Gayle and Rob O’Donahue
Linda Engel

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