Thursday, January 29, 2009

Update on Walt 1/29/08


I know it's been a while since the last update, but things finally started happening last week. Walt met with his Oncologist last week and the doctor was very encouraging, indicating that things didn't look as bad as we were led to believe. He expects that radiation will do the trick and that Walt has a very good chance to be cancer free. As a precaution, Walt will undergo a full body scan on January 30 to ensure that the cancer has not spread. The last time he had this done, the aortic aneurysm was found (just in time). On February 2 at 1:00, Walt will receive the first radiation treatment.

Prayer needs are as follows:
  • Full body scan to show that the cancer has not spread
  • Radiation treatment to successfully remove the cancer
  • Walt to feel the peace of God throughout this process
That's it...more to come!

God bless!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Walt Update

Happy New Year to you. Unfortunately, we don't have much to update as of today. Walt is still waiting on some paperwork from his health insurance carrier, which should arrive any day. Once that is in, the ball will be rolling.

Walt does have a nifty new laptop and is now able to communicate via email. He appreciates all the well wishes that he's received, either directly here or via email. He has a new email address - simply click the CONTACT WALT in the sidebar and you should see his email address.

Thanks and as always, we covet your prayers.