Friday, December 19, 2008

Update on Walt Sarton

Today, Walt learned that the growth that was removed from his neck last week is indeed cancer. We don't know what stage it is in, but in Walt's words, "it's not good". His surgeon urged him to seek treatment from an oncologist and another surgeon who specializes in head and neck surgery as soon as possible. To that end, he will schedule something right after the first of the year.

Walt is in good spirits and is taking a very pragmatic approach to his treatment. He wanted to pass on to his family and friends that he will pursue treatment of the disease aggressively, but at his age, he is not willing to diminish his quality of life. If the treatment turns out to be worse for him than the disease itself, he will choose to discontinue the treatment and let the disease run its course.

Walt covets your prayers and thoughts. Feel free to drop him a line here or simply leave a comment on this blog post. We are working to get him working internet access so that he can more easily keep in touch. Alternatively, you can give him a call - if you need his number, shoot me an email and I'll get it to you.

Lastly, this blog will be the means of communication regarding Walt's treatment updates. I will try to keep everyone up to date as much as possible. Please subscribe to the blog updates - you can either subscribe by email or by RSS reader - you can subscribe either way in the sidebar to the right.


Anonymous said...

the Unnasch family will be praying for Walt

Anonymous said...

Walt we will be praying and thinking about you through the Holidays. It reminds us to take time and really enjoy our family.